Thursday, June 12, 2008

My Struggle

Okay, so I'm exaggerating. I'm not struggling. Millions of women have gone before me and have done the exact same thing that I do now.

But it doesn't mean that I still can't complain.

The instant I found out that I was pregnant, I bought pregnancy books, read tons of pregnancy blogs, saw a doctor and booked a midwife immediately. I vowed that I am going to do this up right and make sure that this baby will grow in a healthy environment inside of my belly. That means that I had to give up certain things - and I am more than happy to as well.

However, while I try to stay healthy (or keep from becoming nauseated, more like it) my husband has tried his best to make sure that he enjoys the good things in life for the both of us. For all three of us, in fact. Take a look:

And while he enjoys things that I once enjoyed (will I ever enjoy them again?!!!), I continue to struggle.*

*To be fair to Chris, he has been amazing. He's been so sympathetic during my pregnancy so far and I am ever thankful and humbled by his care and love. I have made him eat his stinky, stinky dinners on the opposite side of the room (at least I didn't send him out of the room!). He hasn't had fish and chips and a curry for 3 months. If and when I let him cook onions for dinner, I make him put the exhaust fan on full blast so that we're practically deaf for about an hour before and after dinner. And he still tells me I'm beautiful, as I safety-pin my ever-shrinking pants together at the start of the day.

I don't know when I'll be back to my "normal" self again, but I just hope that it's soon. For now, I'll keep complaining and whining and Chris will continue to take care of me.

I'm milking these 10 months for all they're worth, baby. (ETK)


Michelle said...

Milk it, tootsie!!! I'm very sorry you've been feeling so icky, but I would bet Bob on the fact that you're still as cute as ever.

xo, Moonie

Anonymous said...

You go girl - milk it for all it's worth. I agree with Michelle - not only are you cute as ever, you're probably even cuter!! :-)

egtk said...

Thanks, friends. I knew that you ladies would understand my struggle. ha ha.