Friday, August 29, 2008

The Smallest Bar in the World?

It's not often that Emeline and I get to feel like giants. We've been meaning to visit a bar called Mou Very for a while now and yesterday we finally did. It's a tiny tiny bar. It's a makes-us-feel-like-giants bar. In fact, it might be the smallest bar in the world. It measures 1.5-meters by 8-meters. It's long and thin, with roughly-painted brick walls. It's like drinking a beer in a subway car.

The French proprietor will talk to you about coffee, politics, or the state of the world in general until another person comes in and completely upsets the balance of things. He'll take forever to make a coffee and pour a beer and he'll tell you that people rush too much and work too hard. He studied political science at UCLA and now he owns the smallest bar I've ever been in.

It's like something from a David Lynch movie.

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