Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Here are the first images of the latest Kemp-Tolod human. We had our first scan last week. A very grumpy and annoyed woman squirted gel on Emeline's stomach and moaned at us as we simpered quietly at the miracle of life.

Obviously, this is something she's seen more than ten thousand times.

We, however, were amazed.

In the 10-minutes that it took to complete the scan, this little person turned completely around, like a dog trying to find a comfortable spot on a rug. It was practicing a tango in there. It started off positioned like in the picture at the top, lying on its side and facing us. And then it bucked around, and fidgeted, and shifted, and shimmied, and wriggled until it was lying half-upside down with a placenta sticking right in its spine. And you can see the spine! As it fidgeted, we could see the ribs, white and solid against the gray.

We mentioned this to the woman doing the scan, who found it utterly boring. We might has well have been describing a coffee table. I think she suppressed a yawn. Clearly, she has no idea how much we already love it. Undaunted, we sat in the dark and watched our little human clenching and unclenching its tiny fists like a little boxer.

I think it wanted to punch her.

On the way home we preached non-violence but ... well, kids, they never listen, do they? (ck)


Joe Wessels said...

I think that's a wonderful post, CJK. Made me laugh and awwwwww at the same time...

Britgirl said...

I see my niece/nephew, so very happy. Kisses

Anonymous said...

Awesome post!! I think the little one was waving at you, not threatening the technician. ;-)