Second trimester is just what most of the women I've spoken to and read from have said ... it's like magic!
All of the sudden, hocus pocus and poof! ... I feel like my former, pre-pregnant self again! (Almost!) It's amazing how pain and discomfort are feelings that aren't really committed to memory very well. If you're not sure what I mean, try this little thought exercise: Do you northern hemisphere folks remember what the blistering cold of last winter felt like? As I sit on the couch with a hot water bottle and blanket, in a room with the heater blasting, I am unable to remember what last year's extreme heat in Cincinnati felt like.
This is how I feel now that I'm in my second trimester. I can't seem to remember how nauseous and uncomfortable I felt in the first trimester. (And you better believe that I'll be savoring every moment until my third trimester.) I can barely remember thinking, "Is this what pregnancy is like? Those women who say "
I love being pregnant" are liars. And nobody likes liars. Maybe they've all forgotten what the first trimester was like and only remember the magic of the second trimester.
What's also magic are my new pants. My new, elastic, maternity pants. I heart my maternity pants. Chris is jealous. He wants a pair, too. (ETK)