Everyone who has had a baby or has a baby knows that routines are important.
Over the past month of so, we have developed a new Sunday morning routine. Before Max, the weekends used to be filled with lazy mornings reading in bed, drinking coffee and then heading off to the Farmer's market or the beach. And while we still drink coffee and go to the market, only now it's with Max. So, as a new family we've developed a brand new morning routine on Sundays: Yum Cha.
Yum Cha ("drinking tea") is the Cantonese ritual referring to the actual event of gathering with family and friends for dim sum. Dim sum ("a bit of heart") is the name of the cuisine served at Yum Cha consisting of a wide range of small dishes (steamed pork buns, sweet and sour wontons, Chinese sausage with rice, Egg Tarts, Chinese pork triangles) served with Chinese tea.
Sunday mornings, rain or shine, we all gather into the car and drive into town anticipating the delicious dim sum at Golden Harvest Chinese restaurant. It's sort of hidden, Golden Harvest, tucked into an almost secret walkway amongst all of the clothing and tat shops on George Street. We happened upon it one day while going for a walk with Max in the pram.
Most mornings we're the first people to arrive. As the morning progresses, the restaurant fills mostly with Asian families and students. The waitresses know that we're regulars. One even mentioned to Chris, "You must really like Yum Cha. You're here every week."
No kidding.
It's part of our routine. (ETK)

Selves-portrait: Me and Max at Golden Harvest

Max and Chris eating dim sum. Notice all of the toys to keep Max occupied.

Spicy Szechuan Soup - And they're not kidding ... check out all the dried red chilies!


Enjoying our Sunday.